It's the untold story of the first man who ever walked the earth. And a question that I remember one brave little soul asking my third grade Sunday School teacher. The child said
"Mr. White, Did Adam and Eve Poop?"
Most of us kids began laughing, but what was really funny was how uncomfortable Mr. White appeared. He didn't know how to answer, so with an awkward tone the teacher replied, "Kids that's something that I think you should ask your parents." I never asked my parents, I knew the answer; it was obvious. Even at the young age of eight years old I knew the truth, food Goes in, poop comes out. It's a natural part of our digestive system, and Adam and Eve were no different.
Still I can't help but imagine what restroom life must have been like in the garden. How did Adam and Eve handle the conversation of having a BM?
Adam: Excuse me dear but I have to go do that thing that makes my belly feel better. You know...that thing that smells bad, but helps me feel better?
Eve: Oh you mean dung
Adam: Is that what we've decided to call it?
Eve: It sounds appropriate
Adam: Okay, we'll I have to go dung then.
Eve: Adam please do it in the bathroom this time, last time I found your excrement under the kitchen table.
Adam: What's a bathroom? What's a Kitchen? What's a table? I see you've been busy naming things, without me again.
Kids ask the funniest questions, and they have absolutely no problem asking questions about poop, pee, or passing some occasional premium high octane gas. It's the adults who are uncomfortable with the topic. Let's face it, Adam pooped, Eve pooped, and so do you and I. We don't have to discuss it if we don't want to, but it doesn't change the facts.
Years ago I did a great (in my opinion)teaching on the names of Jesus to 5 year olds - You know, The rose of Sharon, Lily of the valley, bright and morning star, Messiah... After class (while still patting myself on the back for a teaching well done) a child approached me. Looking up at me with questioning eyes, he asked "With all those names, how do you know what to call him?"
ReplyDeleteI ended up writing a song that is used in children's churches to this day titled "I Call Him Lord". I even wrote it into in one of my youth musicals and heard from a church that they use it in their praise and worship service.
If you want to truly get a grasp on the reality of the Gospel, teach children because they will teach you back.